Monday, 27 December 2010

Actual finished book!

After a lot of moving things about I'm finally happy with the final layout of my booklet, all thats left to do now is print it!

Developing pages

Here is a collection of the screen shots of playing around and designing the finished version of two of my pages in my booklet.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Complete pages

I have now edited my text and have added pictures to go along side the writing. This is how I've designed them and hopefully what my finished book will look like!

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Hurdle Step

For pages 5 & 6 in my book, I focus on explaining what a hurdle step is and how to execute one correctly. To go along side the text, I have taken a continuous flow of photographs recording each stage of the hurdle step to help explain it in more detail.

Recording through filming

I've decided to record and collect data of all the different dive positions, showing the difference between forward, backwards, reverse and inward. The videos are of a hurdle step one and a half somersault pike (103B), Backwards dive pike (201B), hurdle step Reverse dive pike (301B) and an Inward one and a half somersault tuck (403C)

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Making on indesign

The layout and design of my book is working quite well, and is soon to be ready to print. Just need to get photographs taken and put in.

Pages 7 & 8

Within diving competitions, there are several aspects to take into account and notice whilst judging. Several elements include the starting position, the approach, the take off, the flight and the entry. The diver is being judged once they state their starting position, and the approach is crucial in achieving the correct take off. If the diver begins their hurdle but then stops and re-starts the dive, a penalty is given by 2 points being deducted from each judge’s score. If this happens twice then the dive is considered a fail dive and no points will be awarded. The take-off should show power and control, with a safe distance from the board, whilst the flight is direct and not moving towards the left or right. The correct position has to be clearly seen (straight, pike or tuck) and the entry, whether head first or feet first, shall be as vertical as possible with minimal splash and hopefully a rip-entry.
When being judged, an average score is taken by the highest and lowest scores being taken away, and then the total score multiplied by the degree of difficulty (a measure of how difficult a dive is to perform, for example a forward dive tuck is 1.2 difficulty, whilst a Reverse Triple pike Somersault is 3.3)

Sample Scoring For a Five Judge Panel

1. Scores: 6.5, 6, 6.5, 6, 5.5, 6
2. Low (6.5) and High (5.5) Scores Dropped
3. Raw Score = 18.5 (6.5 + 6.5 + 6)
4. Raw Score (18.5) x Degree of Difficulty (2.0)
5. Total Score for the Dive = 37.0

Pages 5 & 6

A hurdle step in diving is very important as it allows the diver to get the most lift from the board as possible. There are several ways to perform a hurdle step, depending on who the diver is. From a springboard a 3 or 4 step hurdle is most common, whilst a run up hurdle from a platform is very different. But of course any forward facing dive can be performed from a standing position.

Hurdle steps are very important as it allows the diver to gain as much power and height into their dive as possible. A strong take off will allow the board to give more spring; however the extra speed and height is important to control to maintain a good dive and entry. If the hurdle step leans the diver forward on the end of the board, the dive is then sprung forwards and makes it difficult to control. The best way to learn how to control a hurdle step is a lot of practice and learning to balance out the height and speed of the dive, experimenting with different speeds and approaches.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Pages 3 & 4

Every dive has its own specific dive number as well as its written description. Dive numbers are a quick and easy way to record separate dives, and are crucial in a competition for if there is a controversy or debate as to what dive is to be executed. The dive number is always the final word, and if an incorrect dive has been performed then a penalty is given.
Dive numbers are easy to understand once each step has been explained. The first number always states the direction of the dive;

·Forward Dives – 1
·Back Dives – 2
·Reverse Dives – 3
·Inward Dives – 4
·Twisting Dives – 5
·Armstand Dives – 6

The 3rd number shows how many rotations or somersaults are to be performed within the dive;

·½ (a dive) – 1
·1 somersault - 2
·1 ½ somersaults - 3
·2 somersaults - 4
·2 ½ somersaults - 5
·3 somersaults - 6
·3 ½ somersaults - 7
·4 somersaults – 8

At the end of the dive number is a letter, which states which position the dive is to be performed in;

·Straight position – A
·Pike Position – B
·Tuck Position – C
·Free Position – D

A few examples are as follows;

101A – Forward Dive in straight Position
202C – Back 1 Somersault in Tuck Position
305C – Reverse 2 ½ Somersaults in Tuck Position
405B – Inward 2 ½ Somersaults in Pike Position

Page 1 & 2

Diving was first introduced to the Olympic games since 1904, and has been a very competitive sport ever since. Diving consists of several elements, including flexibility, strong muscles, good toe points and springy jumps; these characteristics can be learned and maintained through dedicated training in the water and also through dry land practise. Within the dry land practise, divers use a range of equipment including trampolines, spring boards and bars for conditioning. Dry land training helps the diver to understand the complications of the dives, and is done so through using a harness to learn step by step of a new dive. The main focus of dry land training is to condition the diver’s body so their posture, strength and body alignment are perfect for entries into the water, and also to ensure having a strong body to prevent injury by the impact of the water.
Other important factors for achieving a perfect entry, otherwise known as a ‘rip entry’, are mastering the flat hand position, and also arm position when entering the water.

Recording through photographing

Here are just a few pictures to be featured in my book. Alot more will need to be taken for the different sections which will be;

Page 1/2 basic rules of diving (PICTURES OF: flexibility, someone using the trampoline harness, conditioning and flat hand position)
Page 3/4 actual dives (PICTURES OF; push dive, back dive, reverse dive, inward dive)
Page 5/6 - hurdle step (PICTURES OF; step by step of the hurdle step, 'story board' of pictures)
page 7/8 ways of judging, aspect of degree of difficulty (PICTURES OF; competition, awards)

Initial project

I have decided to record, investigate and collect data on diving, and to launch a book explaining all the different elements in diving; from how dives are recorded to what judges look out for.