Within diving competitions, there are several aspects to take into account and notice whilst judging. Several elements include the starting position, the approach, the take off, the flight and the entry. The diver is being judged once they state their starting position, and the approach is crucial in achieving the correct take off. If the diver begins their hurdle but then stops and re-starts the dive, a penalty is given by 2 points being deducted from each judge’s score. If this happens twice then the dive is considered a fail dive and no points will be awarded. The take-off should show power and control, with a safe distance from the board, whilst the flight is direct and not moving towards the left or right. The correct position has to be clearly seen (straight, pike or tuck) and the entry, whether head first or feet first, shall be as vertical as possible with minimal splash and hopefully a rip-entry.
When being judged, an average score is taken by the highest and lowest scores being taken away, and then the total score multiplied by the degree of difficulty (a measure of how difficult a dive is to perform, for example a forward dive tuck is 1.2 difficulty, whilst a Reverse Triple pike Somersault is 3.3)
Sample Scoring For a Five Judge Panel
1. Scores: 6.5, 6, 6.5, 6, 5.5, 6
2. Low (6.5) and High (5.5) Scores Dropped
3. Raw Score = 18.5 (6.5 + 6.5 + 6)
4. Raw Score (18.5) x Degree of Difficulty (2.0)
5. Total Score for the Dive = 37.0
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